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Island-wide Waterfall Weekend!

Story by: Team Destination Cape Breton

Cape Breton Island Ambassadors and Influencers will be convening at the Silver Dart Lodge in Baddeck to travel to 12 different waterfalls on Saturday, May 18, 2024 to highlight the benefits of waterfall chasing. Visitors and locals alike are invited to meet and hike with them! You’re also invited to travel back to Big Spruce Brewing for a “Big Summer Splash”. Enjoy live music with the Town Heroes and our specially crafted Waterfall Season beer, Oh Chutes! If you’ve ever wanted to explore waterfalls like Second Branch Humes River Falls or MacIntosh Brook Falls, this is the time to do it!

Baddeck, the beginning and the end of the Cabot Trail

We hope that you’re inspired to get outside and explore Cape Breton Island not only this weekend but every weekend. To encourage everyone to explore the Island’s waterfalls we’ve created a contest where if you scan 3 QR codes that we’ve placed at all 12 of these waterfalls with our waterfall app you’ll be entered into a Cape Breton Waterfalls Adventure Weekend Contest where you can win a 2-night stay on Cape Breton Island with some amazing prizes!

App for Android Devices

The Big Summer Splash at Big Spruce

Join us after your waterfall hike on Saturday, May 18 at Big Spruce! Big Spruce will have live music from the Town Heroes starting at 3 pm, promotion for Cape Breton Island’s incredible Blueberry Jam Festival and amazing food all day from Rose’s Smash Burgers.  Meet up to relax after a great hike and meet other waterfall chasers!

Group Hikes

Hikes are set to start at 12pm except for Humes River Falls hike which will start at 11am due to the length of the trail. Please be advised that the influencers are not guiding the hike or responsible for anyone. This is solely a chance to meet up with others and enjoy a hike together.

Be sure to follow our Instagram account to follow along on their adventures!

Egypt Falls

Join Cape Breton Island Outdoor Adventure ambassador, Mike MacInnis for a hike to Egypt Falls! A new trail will lead you down a forest trail and then to a new staircase to take you down to the falls safely.

Cape Breton Island Outdoor Adventure ambassador, Mike MacInnis hikes the Egypt Falls

Embree’s Brook Falls

Cape Breton Island Ambassadors Shane and Alysha Wilkie will be exploring Embree’s Falls found in the Port Hawkesbury Community TrailsCape Breton Island Ambassadors Shane and Alysha Wilkie explore Embree's Falls

Beulach Ban Falls – Cape Breton Highlands National Park

Outdoor Adventure Ambassador, Wallace Bernard will be travelling north to explore the magnificent Beulach Ban Falls!

Outdoor Adventure Ambassador, Wallace Bernard exploring Beulach Ban Falls

Second Branch Humes River Falls

Two of Nova Scotia’s most intrepid waterfall chasers, Benoit Lalonde and Jamie Vasallo will be hiking to Second Branch Humes River Falls. At 10 km (return) this is the longest of the hikes available this weekend. Be sure you are physically able to take on this hike. It involves two river crossings! Please note this hike will begin at 11am.

Waterfall chasers, Benoit Lalonde and Jamie Vasallo hike the Second Branch Humes River Falls

Lower Falls at North River

Cape Breton Island ambassadors, Greg Curry and Chris van den Berg will be exploring the unique landscape of Lower Falls at North River. These falls are relatively easy to access and are home to great fishing!

Cape Breton Island ambassadors, Greg Curry and Chris van den Berg explore Lower Falls at North River

Uisge Bàn Falls

These waterfalls are located in the heart of Cape Breton. Tucked away in the highlands of Rear Baddeck these falls plunge an impressive 15 m! Cape Breton Island Ambssadors, Leah Jackson, Tia Abbott and Darlin Garland will be exploring these photogenic falls.

Cape Breton Island Ambassadors, Leah Jackson, Tia Abbott and Darlin Garland explore Uisge Bàn Falls

MacIntosh Brook Falls – Cape Breton Highlands National Park

Local Ambassador and hikers, Sherin and Sheethal will travel north to MacIntosh Brook Trail found in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. These falls, tucked away in a small valley in the highlands are a perfect hike for a family or someone new to hiking. This short gentle trail leads you through a beautiful Acadian forest where you can watch and listen to birds as you follow the trail to the falls.

Local Ambassador, Sherin and Sheethal explore MacIntosh Brook Trail

Gairloch Mountain Falls

Join Outdoor Adventure ambassador Chuck Wrathall and PEI based Influencer, Devon Bernard on a trek to Gairloch Mountain Falls. The trail goes down slowly for the first part but then becomes very steep at the end. Ropes for the climb down are in place but be extra careful using them. Once you reach the bottom of the valley, the waterfall is only a few steps upstream.

Only experienced hikers should attempt this trail. While it’s not long, it does descend steeply to the falls and the use of ropes is needed.

Outdoor Adventure ambassador Chuck Wrathall and Influencer Devon Bernard trek Gairloch Mountain Falls

Corney Brook Trail Falls – Cape Breton Highlands National Park

Cape Breton Island ambassador, Ashley George and Nova Scotia based influencer Sean McMullen will be hiking the Corney Brook Trail to see these deceiving large falls. The trail follows the lazy meandering brook through a box canyon. This trail is 7 km (return) and is a perfect leisurely stroll through a beautiful Acadian forest.

Cape Breton Island ambassador Ashley George and Influencer Sean mcMullen

Devil’s Hill Falls and Greenlink Rotary Trail Falls

Nature photographer, Adam Hill will be exploring Devil’s Hills Falls just south of the Mira River. These falls carry an ominous name and as legend has it a man coming back from a dance in the community encountered the devil! We’re sure if you explore these falls you’ll have a much more pleasant experience.

Photographer Adam Hill explores Devil's Hills Falls


Grand River Falls

Join Cape Breton Island ambassador Katherine MacLeod and explore Grand River Falls and fish ladder! This unique addition to our list is home not just to great scenery but also to a great amount of wildlife. Watch eagles, kestrels and other birds of prey as they perch in riverside trees and wait for the perfect opportunity to grab a quick bite.

Cape Breton Island ambassador Katherine MacLeod explores Grand River Falls


The author(s) and contributors of Destination Cape Breton, ( are not responsible for any inconvenience, damage, personal injuries, rescues or death as a result of the use of any information, maps, routes, advice, gear or techniques discussed on this blog and website. All outdoor activities are carried out at your own risk.

Your safety is your own responsibility. All users of this website must assume responsibility for their own actions and safety, exercise sound judgment, be prepared for all conditions, and seek advice on current weather and current trail conditions. These conditions change from day to day, and from season to season, therefore rendering any information on this website subject to change without warning.

Risk is always a factor in hiking and wilderness adventure. Experience and preparation can reduce risk, but can never eliminate it. It is the responsibility of the users of this website to learn the necessary skills for safe hiking and off-trail adventure hiking.

Although the authors and contributors try to make the information contained on this website as accurate as possible, they disclaim any liability for accident, loss, injury, inconvenience or any other damage that may be sustained by anyone using the information contained on this website. You are solely responsible for using your judgment in interpreting and using this information to safely enjoy your own outdoor pursuits.

The information contained on this website is available so that you may have a general idea of what to expect on the hikes listed on this site. We take no responsibility nor assume liability for inaccuracies, errors, omission, or incompleteness of any information. Please note that the included GPS tracks are also provided only as general guides, and you should not rely on their accuracy, as GPS readings are subject to error and may provide inaccurate directions.
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Team Destination Cape Breton

Our team at Destination Cape Breton is always exploring our beautiful Island. We love discovering our hidden gems, working with partners, and putting our Island on the pedestal it deserves!

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