Tears of Glass
Region: Canada’s Musical Coast
Community: Inverness
Unique jewellery made from sea glass found on local beaches. Personal designs created by request. ...
The Inverness County Centre for the Arts is a regional hub for the arts on the west coast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Situated in the town of Inverness in an area famous for unspoiled beaches, vibrant music, visual arts, and world-class golf, the 8,640 square foot art centre houses a gallery, ICCA gift shop, a performance space, and a light-filled studio. Walls of windows take in views of the rolling hills, the town, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Exhibitions, concerts, workshops, and other arts-related events at the centre celebrate the creative spirit of the artists of Inverness County as well as those from across Canada and the United States.
This facility is wheelchair accessible with free Wi-Fi and is available for rentals. We are located at the north end of the village of Inverness on the dirt road adjacent to the ocean and just passed the Route 19 Brewery
Region: Canada’s Musical Coast
Community: Inverness
Unique jewellery made from sea glass found on local beaches. Personal designs created by request. ...
Region: Canada’s Musical Coast
Community: Inverness
Experience an artist at work in is his personal creative space and see his latest creation come to life in person with world renowned artist...
Regions: Cabot Trail, Canada’s Musical Coast
Community: Margarees
Feel the adrenaline rush of battling some of the biggest game in the Atlantic Ocean—the giant Bluefin Tuna. Join Captain Andrew Rankin, a ...
Regions: Canada’s Musical Coast, Cabot Trail
Community: Margarees
Woodroad is a 25 seat restaurant offering fine dining experiences in Margaree Harbour. Located along the stunning coast of western Cape Bret...
Region: Canada’s Musical Coast
Community: Inverness
The Opulent Alpaca produces luxurious, high quality garments from our herd of Alpacas raised on Cape Breton Island ...
Region: Canada’s Musical Coast
Community: Inverness
With stunning views of Cabot Links’ 18th hole and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, our premier restaurant lives up to its name with some of the m...
Canada's Musical Coast, nestled along the western shores of Cape Breton Island, offers some of the most breathtaking sunsets in the country.
Snowmobiling offers exhilarating experiences across winter landscapes, but safety must always be a priority.
Atlantic lobster from Cape Breton Island is renowned for being the freshest and some of the tastiest lobster in the world.
Tap your toes to fiddle tunes at a Ceilidh. See authentic Acadian crafts at Les Trois Pignons. Take a piece of Mi’kmaq culture home with you at a drum-making workshop. On Cape Breton Island, culture is all around you just waiting to be explored!
When the adventurous duo Chris and Jan from A for Adventure received the call to explore Cape Breton Island’s magical Waterfall Season, they packed their gear, laced up their boots and set their sights on some of Nova Scotia’s most breathtaking scen
Cape Breton Island Ambassadors Davey and Sky were selected by Explore Canada as official ambassadors for their home province of Nova Scotia.
Cape Breton Island Ambassador Ashley George was selected by Explore Canada as an official ambassador for her home province of Nova Scotia.
Discover the magic of winter in Port Hawkesbury, where adventure, great food and entertainment come together for the perfect seasonal getaway.
When Cape Breton Island dons its blanket of snow, it transforms into a winter wonderland bursting with adventure and serene beauty.
Cape Breton Island is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, and when winter descends, the island transforms into a wonderland of snow-covered trails, frosted trees, and serene vistas.